Research on customer needs conducted for Sektor 3.0 (the Polish-American Freedom Foundation)

The challenge

Sektor 3.0 is a program initiated by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. The initiatives carried out within Sektor 3.0 aim to support digital transformation and the use of new technologies for social purposes.

The objective of this research project was to recognise the needs of activists and representatives of social organisations regarding digital transformation, particularly in terms of their access to digital information and/or skills and assistance that these groups might require. The focus was also on gathering examples of proven practices in the context of digital transformation in social organisations operating in Poland and abroad. Additionally, the project involved the analysis of the context of digital transformation, specifically examining the trends, exemplary organisations, individuals, initiatives, and projects. The research project was carried out in cooperation with Centrum Cyfrowe and Shipyard foundations.

What have we accomplished?

  • 1. Focused group interviews (5 FGIs within the project).
  • 2. Survey research.
  • 3. Mapping of market trends with elements of netnography.


The research conclusions and recommendations were used by the PAFF and Sektor 3.0 team to build a customer communication strategy and further the development of educational and consulting services.

Updating the assumptions regarding the forms of support for digital transformation of Sektor 3.0 users, was a key achievement of the process.